Friday, October 15, 2010

Welcome to Charged Electrons!

This review blog is currently under construction, as it is brand new! It is my hope that we can make it a place to collect trusted reviews of classic, older, new and upcoming erotic e-books. In time, perhaps we can add interviews and guest blogs, but I want it to remain primarily a review site. Ideally, I would like at least one update a week, but would love to see that grow. Eventually, I'd like to do some contests and host giveaways, but one step at a time is a good idea, I think.

Books reviewed will either be sent free from the author/publisher or voluntarily purchased by the reviewer for their own use (and then reviewed for us). This blog does not offer payment (sadly), but nor do we ask for money. Reviewers will never review their own books. We will disclose the source of each reviewed book. We will always try to include at least one purchase link, as well as author/publisher link. The reviews will be honest, and not promotional in nature. Books sent to us for review will not go any further than the reviewer.Copyright will be respected. While we cannot offer editorial imput to authors/publishers, we will accept excerpt requests, and allow for rebuttal comments and factual corrections. In time, it might be nice to collect links to free reads, which may be promotional in nature but not endorsed by us.

Books that will be accepted for review is a very simple description - if it's an e-book and erotic in nature, we'll give it a whirl. Heat levels can vary, of course, but it should be clearly erotic. Because it is hard to find free review opportunities for short erotica, those will get priority here, but we will have no rules against longer works - basically, if a reviewer is willing to do it, we'll post about it!

We do, however, have to draw the line at illegal things: No bestiality, necrophilia (excepting vampire and zombies), pedophilia, rape/involuntary violence for titillation, snuff, etc.

New authors are especially welcome! Reviews will be honest and constructive, but will not aim to destroy the book or author. It will be done primarily out of love for the genre.

For readers, we will accept requests - if you have a book/author you'd like to see on here, we will try to track them down, if possible. And we would love to see you comment your take on the books we are reviewing. 

Currently, I am looking for:
  • As many willing/qualified reviewers as I can get, in order to reduce the labour of each member. These would ideally be authors, but we are open to fans of erotica, as well.
  • Authors and publishers willing to send me some PDF e-books to review.
  • In time, it would be great to have volunteers to be category/type experts - full length, shorts, urban, interracial, paranormal, BDSM, sci-fi/fantasy, marital, contemporary, anime, LGBTQ, M/F, M/M., F/F, etc, with overlap being shared. 
  • Ideas on the rating system - seems to me that "heat level" and "enjoyment rating" is a good idea... just not sure what to call those yet. 
Email me at if you are interested or have any feedback at all! This is a brand new idea, and I am open to your suggestions. :-*